100% ONLINE MBA STUDIUM, MSc, MHA & LLM JIŽ OD 76.900 KČ - PŘIHLÁŠKY DO 31. 10. 2024
Kalkulátor finančního přínosu MBA studia Kalkulátor finančního přínosu MBA studia

MBA v AJ - Global Business Leadership

Doba studia: 9-12 měsíců
Titul: MBA
Předmětů: 10
Volitelnost předmětů: Ne
Ukončení: Diplomová práce
Jazyk výuky: angličtina

Tento na našem trhu zcela unikátní MBA obor je vyučován kompletně v angličtině pod vedením zahraničních lektorů z USA, Francie, Itálie, Brazílie, Španělska či Irska. Opravdu globální sdílení znalostí a zkušeností, nemyslíte? Jeho studiem si tak nejen zlepšíte a procvičíte svoji obchodní angličtinu, ale zejména získáte komplexní znalosti z mezinárodního byznysu, včetně strategického, organizačního a procesního managementu, projektového managementu či mezinárodních podnikových financí, poznáte také kulturní odlišnosti managementu v globálních firmách. Pochopíte také geopolitické souvislosti současné ekonomiky a zjistíte, jak být opravdu úspěšným podnikatelem na mezinárodní úrovni. Staňte se opravdovým leaderem pod vedením zahraničních profesionálů!

Hlavní přínosy oboru v praxi

  • díky porozumění strategickému řízení budete lépe vytěžovat obchodní potenciál
  • urychlíte dosahování svých cílů díky lepšímu pochopení interkulturní komunikace
  • zdokonalíte své schopnosti projektového řízení na praktických příkladech
  • naučíte se eliminovat rizika působící na globálních finančních trzích
  • osvojíte si zákonitosti hospodářské soutěže na půdě EU, Ruska a Číny
  • seznámíte se s výhodami různých organizačních uspořádání

Máte v hlavě náměty ke zlepšení chodu oddělení, hledáte inspiraci k osobnímu růstu či expanzi vaší společnosti?  Zpracujte tato témata ve své diplomové práci či seminárních pracích a naši lektoři, profesionálové z praxe, vám s nimi v rámci MBA studia rádi pomohou.

Studiem jednotlivých předmětů totiž získáváte možnost průběžně konzultovat reálné problémy, případy a situace z vaší praxe s našimi lektory – experty na danou problematiku, a v rámci těchto konzultací pod jejich odborným vedením zpracovat u každého předmětu jejich řešení formou prakticky orientované případové studie (seminární práce). Díky tomu, že konzultace neprobíhají skupinově, ale pouze přímo mezi vámi a lektorem, můžete konzultovat i citlivé firemní záležitosti, včetně konkrétních dat, bez obav ze sdílení těchto údajů s dalšími studenty. Výstupem z absolvování každého předmětu je tedy cenný dokument ihned dále použitelný ve vaší firmě či zaměstnání, s vysokou přidanou hodnotou díky one-to-one konzultacím s odborníkem.

Jednotlivé seminární práce můžete dále rozpracovat do své diplomové práce, která představuje ucelený strategický dokument, jenž může mít zásadní vliv na váš další byznys. Celkem takto během svého studia pod odborným vedením zpracujete a získáte deset prakticky zaměřených seminárních prací, a navíc ještě diplomovou práci.

Co dalšího se naučíte?

Hodnocení absolventů

Hodnocení 4.91/5
Hodnotilo 42 uživatelů
Bc. Dalibor Smažinka, MBA

Bc. Dalibor Smažinka, MBA

Business Development Manager for Eastern Europe, Axis Communications

Chtěl jsem svoje praktické zkušenosti podložit teorií. Vstřícnost a kvalita studia na CEMI mě příjemně překvapila!

Bc. Jiří Rada, MBA

Bc. Jiří Rada, MBA

Sector sales manager v Candy Hoover ČR

"Pro své studium na CEMI jsem se rozhodnul díky tomu, že vlastně umožňovalo propracovaný e-learningový systém, který mi umožňoval skloubit můj nabitý pracovní program se studiem."

Bc. Kristina Stipovič, MBA

Bc. Kristina Stipovič, MBA

Amsterdam University Manager at Career Development Center

I was looking for something that is flexible and what I can combine with my work and my family life.

Ing. Alena Pokorná, MBA

Ing. Alena Pokorná, MBA

Finanční konzultantka

Studium na CEMI byla výborná investice do vzdělání formou, která umožňuje flexibilitu. Díky on-line podobě se dá dobře skloubit s pracovními i osobními závazky. 

Ing. Jan Šuráň, MBA

Ing. Jan Šuráň, MBA

Enterprise IT architect at First Data Corporation

I choose CEMI because of combination of availability, of possibility to study completely online, so I was able to align with my schedule, and also for a good reference.

Ing. Martina Sido, MBA

Ing. Martina Sido, MBA

Finance manager IBM

Obor Global Business Leadership mi byl šitý na míru. Většinu předmětů využiji v praxi.

Lívia Fazekasová, MBA

Lívia Fazekasová, MBA

EMEA D&D Manager, Vertiv

New challenges are part of my life and study MBA at CEMI is one of the completed!

Další absolventi oboru

Komu je obor MBA v AJ - Global Business Leadership určen?

Studijní obor je vhodný zejména pro střední a vrcholové manažery ze společností, které působí spíše na mezinárodní úrovni. Využít ho však mohou i podnikatelé, kteří se chtějí orientovat v mezinárodním obchodě. Obor Global Business Leadership totiž nabízí ucelený přehled o celosvětovém trhu a ukazuje moderní trendy mezinárodního obchodu. Pokud pracujete v managementu mezinárodní společnosti, právě tento obor může nastartovat velmi rychlý kariérní růst.

  • obor pro střední a vrcholový management nadnárodních firem
  • pro ty, kteří chtějí nastartovat svůj kariérní posun
  • pro všechny, kteří chtějí rozšířit své znalosti v mezinárodním obchodě
  •  pro všechny, kteří si chtějí studiem zdokonalit také odbornou a obchodní angličtinu
  • pro podnikatele, kteří plánují expandovat do zahraničí
  • pro zájemce, kteří chtějí maximálně využít svůj obchodní potenciál

Studijní plán

Studijní plán 1. semestr

Geopolitics and Perspectives (ENG)

Geopolitics and Perspectives  (ENG)
Professor Guillaume Finck Více informací

The goal of this course is to help students operate internationally, especially in business or government. The course helps explain why certain regions, countries or sub-national areas, especially in developing countries, will suffer from strife including armed conflict, while others become more stable and democratic. Students will learn to assess risks for international endeavors such as investment or business expansion, keep a critical view of information, and draw possible scenario for the future.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ

Global Policy and Strategy (ENG)

Global Policy and Strategy  (ENG)
Isobel Cunningham, PhD, MSc, BA Hons Více informací

Studying this subject will give you an understanding of the factors that impact on firms choice of international strategy. You will recognize the importance of political, economic, socio-cultural, technological and legal issues when choosing a global strategy.                                                                                      

After completing this subject, you will be able to...  Have acquired thorough familiarity with the principal concepts, frameworks and techniques of strategic management. Gained expertise in applying these concepts, frameworks and techniques in order to: understand the reasons for good or bad performance by a firm; generate strategy options for a firm; assess available options under conditions of imperfect knowledge; select the most appropriate strategy; recommend the best means of implementing the chosen strategy. Recognize ethical and social responsibility issues in the business environment and examine ethical and legal implications of managerial decisions and their effect on organisational stakeholders.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ

Marketing Management (ENG)

Marketing Management  (ENG)
Joelle Bhullar, MBA Více informací

Studying this subject will give you an understanding on how to conduct a situation analysis and determine a company's competitive advantage. You will gain a broad understanding of how marketing professionals develop and implement marketing strategies to meet the needs of their customers while achieving their business objectives. This course will explore issues including consumers, customer segmentation, products and services, pricing strategies and managing new technology.

This module explores customer segmentation, target consumers, products and services, and pricing strategies. The study material explores the difference between sales and market orientations. Additionally, you will learn the nature of strategic planning and why a marketing plan is important. An explanation is provided on how to set marketing plan objectives by focusing on markets served and benefits sought by its customers.

Lastly, you will learn about target market strategy and marketing mix. Product, place, promotion

and pricing are introduced, and implementation of the market strategy is explained. You will gain an understanding why market managers should recognize consumer behavior including the components of the consumer decision making process. Additionally, you will learn about the criteria for successful segmentation and bases for segmenting consumer markets, as well as the difference between a product item, product line and product mix.

After completing this subject, you will be able to develop sound marketing strategies through a S.W.O.T. analysis.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ

Organization and Process Management (ENG)

Organization and Process Management  (ENG)
B.Eng. Tomas Andres Hernandez Více informací

Studying this subject will give you a complete understanding of the different type of organizational types existing in business and how the companies have to adapt it as the company grows and as well of how to interlink your organization with your processes and your strategy.

After completing this subject, you will be able to detect the organizational type of any company and analyze if this is the right one for its cycle state and its existing strategy. You will be able to develop an integrated model to state who does what in any company.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ

Strategic Planning (ENG)

Strategic Planning  (ENG)
B.Eng. Tomas Andres Hernandez Více informací


Studying this subject will reinforce the managerial skills in strategic planning, give you an advanced knowledge of strategic planning process and the main strategic tools used to develop strategic plans in real companies.

After completing this subject, you will be able to develop in your company a strategic analysis of the existing situation and come up with an innovative new strategy to overcome the existing weaknesses and taking advantages of the strengths and opportunities that the sector situation offers.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

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Studijní plán 2. semestr

Competition Policies for Business (ENG)

Competition Policies for Business  (ENG)
Dr. Pietro Andrea Podda, PhD Více informací

Studying this subject will give you:

  • Familiarity with the regulation of economic competition ‘policies in EU and elsewhere
  • Acquisition of a deep knowledge of the regulation of cartel agreements
  • Acquisition of a deep knowledge of the regulation of abuse of dominant  position
  • Acquisition of a deep knowledge of the regulation of concentrations
  • Acquisition of a deep knowledge of the regulation of state aids
  • Capacity to operate safely when working with large companies as well as when transacting with them, as clients, suppliers or partners.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

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International Business Strategy (ENG)

International Business Strategy  (ENG)
Professor Guillaume Finck Více informací

Studying this subject will give you a critical appreciation of both the opportunities and challenges associated with the increasing globalization of markets. An analysis on the key environmental forces shaping consumer needs and preferences, the impact of foreign political and economic factors on companies, the influence of international competition, market segmentation and strategy decisions specific to international marketing.
It will also help to learn how to design a specific International Strategy, and when appropriate, to free yourself from the usual strategies.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ

International Corporate Finance (ENG)

International Corporate Finance  (ENG)
Ed.D. Dr. Jonathan Hochberg, BA, MBA Více informací

Studying this subject will give you knowledge and insights on corporate financial management issues faced by managers operating in the global financial markets.  Foreign operations and international financing possibilities entail additional opportunities, risks, and complexities that must be understood by both financial and strategic managers.  The purpose of this course is to analyze the critical factors, risks, and decisions that relate to both the short-term and long-term financial position of the firm in an internationalized setting and discuss strategies for dealing with these added complexities.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ

International Entrepreneurship (ENG)

International Entrepreneurship  (ENG)
Isobel Cunningham, PhD, MSc, BA Hons Více informací

Studying this subject will give you an understanding the foundations of entrepreneurship and innovation. You will understand the motivations and barriers to international entrepreneurship. You will also analyse key areas that impact on entrepreneurship such as ethnicity, access to finance and gender.

Introduction to entrepreneurship and innovation and entrepreneurship behaviour theories; Overview of barriers to International Entrepreneurship; Analyse ethnicity, Financing entrepreneurship, Gender; Understand the various forms of entrepreneurs

After completing this subject, you will be able to understand entrepreneurial competencies and the impact on international entrepreneurship. You will understand the various forms that entrepreneurship can take.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ

Project Management (ENG)

Project Management  (ENG)
Fabiano de Alcântara de Lima, PMP, PMI-RMP Více informací

Studying this subject will give you understanding of the well-known project management best practices and frameworks like PRINCE2, PMBOK, Scrum and practical knowledge to lead and manage projects applying waterfall and agile approaches.
After completing this subject, you will be able to lead and manage project initiatives that delivery business strategy.

Studying this subject will mainly give you an opportunity to continuously consult your lecturer, an expert on the topic, about real problems, practical cases and situations, and to design a solution to these problems in the form of practically oriented case study (essay) elaborated under the lecturer’s guidance. As the consultations are not held in groups but only between you and the lecturer, you can consult also sensitive company issues, including specific data etc., without any worries about sharing this information with other students.

The output from this subject is thus a valuable document that can be immediately used in your own company or job, providing high value-added thanks to one-to-one consultations with an expert.

Více o předmětu Více o předmětu v CZ

Lektoři oboru

Fabiano de Alcântara de Lima, PMP, PMI-RMP

Fabiano de Alcântara de Lima, PMP, PMI-RMP

B.Eng. Tomas Andres Hernandez

B.Eng. Tomas Andres Hernandez

Joelle Bhullar, MBA

Joelle Bhullar, MBA

Isobel Cunningham, PhD, MSc, BA Hons

Isobel  Cunningham, PhD, MSc, BA Hons

Professor Guillaume Finck

Professor Guillaume Finck

Ed.D. Dr. Jonathan Hochberg, BA, MBA

Ed.D. Dr. Jonathan Hochberg, BA, MBA

Dr. Pietro Andrea Podda, PhD

Dr. Pietro Andrea Podda, PhD

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Chci si sestavit svůj MBA program

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Rádi zodpovíme všechny Vaše dotazy o studiu MBA, MHA, MSc či LLM.
Neváhejte nás proto kontaktovat.

Beru na vědomí zpracování osobních údajů.

Kalkulátor finančního přínosu MBA studia

* Data v kalkulaci vychází z průzkumu mezi absolventy MBA studia na institutu CEMI, realizovaného agenturou STEM/MARK v červnu 2022.